Molly Foreman Kozel

Photo of Molly Foreman Kozel

Molly Foreman Kozel

Molly has been a trailblazer her entire life. In 1944 she was one of only three women to earn a degree in business from the University of Michigan. Molly succeeded in a man’s world, taking over the management of her father’s business and starting her own ad agency in her home town of Detroit. When she moved Boca Raton in the ’80s, she quickly established Molly Foreman and Associates, an all-female PR and marketing firm. Molly was a Founder of the Boca Raton Symphony—precursor to the Florida Philharmonic, and she continues to support music today through the Boca Raton Symphonia.

It is no wonder that this business woman has thought ahead—to increase the impact of the Bernard Kozel and Molly Foreman Kozel Endowed Scholarship at FAU. Molly has made a bequest through her trust to add to her existing fund after she is gone, to help even more students succeed. “I can think of no better legacy than to help students at FAU achieve their dream of college. It changed my life, and I feel good knowing my bequest will do the same for many lives to come.”